Very Basic HTML!
Hello Everyone,
This is my first blog, so if any mistakes give me feedback,
let's get started,
what is HTML?
HTML has its full form: HyperText Markup Language
But what does it actually mean?
In Layman's terms, it is like the skeleton of the human body, which just joins everything.
Let's deep-dive into writing and understanding HTML,
HTML is written inside tags, All the HTML is written inside HTML tag which looks something like this ->
Inside it lies "head" and "body" tags,
But what are these tags?
The "head" tag stores all the information related to the document like the document title, styles, and other information.
The "body" tag stores the main content of the HTML document, like text, images, and tables.
Everything that is displayed on the web page goes inside the <body>
Now this is a basic summary of HTML,
I will add more as I learn!
Thank you for reading.